Need some Hits and Slashes for your game? This is the place ;)
Lets see the 36 Hit and Slashes VFX for you! ;DHey by the way! Do you want yo follow my daily VFX work? ¡Nice! ;)FACEBOOK | INSTAGRAM | YOUTUBEOK! Here I made The 2DFX Hit and Slashes Vol.1 pack ;DI made it in SRP (Standard Render Pipeline) so it's works perfect there.Since June 08 2021, you'll find a folder named "URP unitypackage". Inside it you'll find "The 2DFX Hit and Slashes Vol.1 - URP". This is the same project but the materials were updated to Universal Render Pipeline. It's all the same except that I made a simple Glow Shader to use the HDR color to some little particles.Here you will find:- 36 prefabs- 3 color variation- Drag and drop to your project!- Very easy to use and rezise ;)All sprites are made in Photoshop, so you can access to the .PSD file and edit it as you want.No custom shaders used in this version. Only the legacy ones.In the URP (Universal Render Pipeline) version I made a simple Glow Shader to use the HDR color.¡ANYTHING! you need, just contect me ;)