You want to create a fishing game or just add a fishing system to your game?
Then the Fishing Development Kit is exactly what you need!
The fishing system can be easily integrated with other systems and controllers.
Fishing Development Kit Key Features:
Fish Behavior:
• Fish Types: There are two types of fish, predators and passive fish.
• Fish Bait Behavior: Predatory fish bite only on a predatory bait such as the "spinner" or a piece of meat on the hook. Passive fish, do not bite on predator baits but on a piece of cheese or a worm on the hook.
• Fish Bitten Behavior: Each fish has a specified or randomly generated behavior pattern such as bite strength, stamina and general strength.
• Fish Appearance: Each fish is spawned with a randomly generated size.
Backpack, Shop & Items:
The kit comes with a complete store and backpack system. Items can be collected, stored, bought, sold and consumed. Under the category of items include bait, fishing rods and fishes (New items and fishes can be added & replaced easily).
Stats & Money:
After each successfully caught fish, the player gets the respective specified or randomly generated XP. In the player menu the name, size of the biggest caught fish and number of fish caught by the player will be displayed. The retail value of each fish is calculated based on its type and size.
Includes Animations, Models, Textures and Icons:
The kit also includes fishing animations, models, textures and icons.
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