Utility for running builds sequence & pushing them to itch.io and githubUtility for running builds sequence & pushing them to itch.io and githubBuild & Changelog manager is an asset that can:Run multiple buildsArchivate buildPush build to itch.ioPush build to Github releasesAuto optimizes release builds for better performace and testing builds for faster build timeMaintain defines and options for each build and sequenceKeep changelog and readme filesAuto adds changelog and readme to game foldersAlso it nicely integrated with Team-on Unity game template Github repository: https://github.com/Team-on/UnityBuildManagerOpenUPM: https://openupm.com/packages/com.teamon.buildmanager.htmlSupported OSTested only on windows, but should work on any platformLink to documentationhttps://github.com/Team-on/UnityBuildManager