Our Complete FPS Weapon and Explosion Sounds is a comprehensive pack that contains modern realistic guns, explosions and impacts.
It contains very detailed weapon sounds for you to directly put into your game and it is the finalized product of our FPS gunshot sound design experience.
It can be used to enrich combat in a variety of genres like FPS and Realistic Battle Royale.
Package Highlights:
- More than 1000 sounds
- 51 Guns including automatic gunshot sounds for you to easily create loops,
- Detailed, modern and heavy gunshot sound designs
- Weapon Categories: Snipers, Pistols, Shotguns, SMG's, LMG's and Launchers
- All weapons' equip and reload sounds
- Bullet impacts for all kinds of surfaces
- Bullet pass by's
- 3 types of grenades
- A melee knife weapon
- UI elements like kill and low health indicator sounds for you to have all the things needed to design a full modern FPS game.
Note: The package contains .ogg 16 bit sound files to achieve smaller project size. If you need the .wav files please don't hesitate to contact us.