Prevent piracy of your game. Plain and simple
Many more free extensions like this one available on our GitHub pageProtect your games using serial numbersWith the Bridge : Serials extension you can:► Force users to buy a serial before the game can be played► Turn any game into a demo by only requiring a serial at a later time (like after level 3, maybe?)► Make your game free-to-play but offer in-game rewards to players who chose to pay for your game!The unique feature of this extension is that it allocates a serial to a user, not to a user's device. Each user can have exactly 1 serial for a given game and every unique serial can be allocated to exactly 1 person at any given time. This means that once a user has registered the game to his account he can play the game on any device he owns/replaces/borrows or in any way has access to, all without having to re-enter his serial!Say goodbye to piracy!!!In order to play the game players have to log in to their account on your website. This means that to 'share' the game on pirate sites he/she will have to give up his/her website login details for all the pirates to use... including access to all his existing games...If he/she decides he is willing to do that then all pirates will have access to the email and password fields to lock everyone else out and claim that account (and all games) solely for themselves ("Sorry other pirate gamers") or, if they don't lock out all other pirates then everyone who is playing your game will share the same username, high scores, loot and everything else you choose to save online... Imagine sharing save points... and sharing ammo mid skirmish...TIP: Integrate the Bridge : Data extension to save all your game's data online. Player position in the world, currency, collected items, high scores, save points, quests to do/completed, avatar appearance... Save all of it online then make your game regularly fetch the latest data from your website. Pirates will be forced into absolute chaos!Imagine for a second that your game was pirated and 100 people are playing the game using the same account...► They just collected a nice big pile of Gold and see their cash drop from over a million to 42 because other players already wasted the cash on various other items.► Imagine passing the save point midway through level 3 then die and respawn on level 76 because that is where the last player to reach a save point was before you died. You die again and find yourself back at level 1 because a new player just started playing...► Imagine getting an all time high score of 999,999,999 then going to the leader boards and finding you are nowhere to be found because the last person to play scored 5.► Mid-battle they line up the perfect kill shot, hit reload and find that they are out of ammo cause some n00b just wasted the last of the ammo► Imagine what other chaos you could cause when multiple people share the same saved game data...Who in the world would want to pirate your game if that happens all the time?The Serials extension requires WordPress For Unity Bridge to be installed in your project before you install it. Once you install the Serials extension into your project the login prefabs will automatically detect this and change how they work. All you have to do is scroll down in the inspector and tick 2 boxes to make your game require a serial before it can be played.The serials extension comes with a comprehensive WordPress dashboard from where you have complete control over your serials.► Generate as many "reserved" serials as you wish. ( For use with manual distribution of serials: email, inside boxed copies, etc)► Generate as many "normal" serials as you wish. These are used when you manually allocate serials to people without actually sending them a serial. Also used by other Bridge extensions► View all assigned normal/reserved serials► View all available normal/reserved serials► Assign and activate a serial to a specific user with 1 click► Revoke a serial from a specific user with a single click► Remove all unallocated normal/reserved serials with a single clickLink serials to users, not devicesOnce a game is licensed it can be played on any device and platform it was built forPlayers can play on their existing devices, replacement devices, friend's devices or even at public places like an internet cafe. They can log in wherever they want on any device they wantWith 2 mouse clicks you can make the entire game require a valid license before they can play or you can do the test later, thus creating demo levelsWhen combined with the Bridge : Money extension games can be sold directly from the website. As soon as you receive payment into your account a serial is issued and automatically assigned to the person who bought it , completely automating game licensing.Generate as many serials as you want for both automatic allocation or manual distribution via email or retail boxesComplete dashboard included to manually assign/revoke serials and manage serials both by game and by user