Works out of the box with URP.
5 trees X 10 unique Ivy meshes X 4 Ivy Leaf Materials gives enormous scope of variety.Updated materials to work with URP out of the box, and other Pipelines with minor conversion.For pipeline details, soo this Forum Post here.https://forum.unity.com/threads/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration.852436/page-3Trees Gen02 06 Dead Forest
Nothing looks more real than a forest with a smattering of dead or dying trees.
This is the first selection of Dead Trees covered in unique Ivy meshes, utilising 2 bespoke materials of live and dead leaves for the ivy.
* 5 Unique Dead Tree meshes
* 10 bespoke Ivy meshes
* 2 Families of Materials for Live and Dead Ivy leaves.
* 15 Textures (Ivy leaves are real photographs for greater realism).
* 20 ready made prefabs ready to drag and drop into your scene.
Visit the forum pages here:
https://forum.unity.com/threads/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration.852436/Works out of the box with URP, easy conversion to other pipelines, soo this forum link..https://forum.unity.com/threads/everything-ivy-scene-plants-decoration.852436/page-3