Lightweight, scalable and extensible text & asset localization system for Unity.GitHub | Manual | WebGL Showcase | Unity Forum ThreadKNOT Localization uses traditional key-value pair collection as a source data structure but automatically handles keys synchronization so you have designer-friendly interface to manage localization data in one place.Only a few steps to get it working right away: Create Database → Add Language → Add Key → Enter Localized Value → Add Localized component to scene object → Done!Customizable Text & Asset data sources, runtime data loading & unloading logic (including remote), editable as property & runtime accessible metadata and even the whole localization manager without touching the codebase.ANY Platform / Render Pipeline. No dependencies. Full Editor Undo / Redo support.Addons:• TextMeshPRO• Addressables• OpenAI Autotranslator (Experimental)• CSV Import / Export (Experimental)