Better Audio Source make your life simpler !
You can automate Unity's Audio source to improve your game's quality !
Better Audio Source Plus is an upgrade of Better Audio Source that adds 2 new behaviour categories:
On Collider behaviours, you can configure how the behaviour will be triggered.
This category supports 2D and 3D colliders, Collision and Trigger, Enter, Stay and Exit events.
This is a must to have to create an audio responsive environment (For example, multiple ambiances such as caves or forest).
On Event behaviours, this category is made to simplify ambiance management. With one line of code "BetterAudioEvent.SendEvent('EventName'); you can trigger all behaviours with the corresponding name on all actives Better Audio Sources.
This can be used to pause all environmental sounds when in a menu or to alert the player that his health is low.
In the near future, the Plus version will get a richer API to create and manipulate behaviours as you want!