Android Ultimate Plugin 3.0 - updated and 3rd Major update version of Android Ultimate Plugin, this plugin will support Unity3D version 2020 onwards and Android OS version 10 onwards, everything is tested, ported and works with Unity3D latest versions and lastest Android versions
an Android Plugin for Unity3d that will help you access features on Android devices within the unity3d application. If you want to save time and wanted to publish your games or app immediately on the market this plugin is no brainer.
Imagine creating your own plugin which requires learning Java or Kotlin programming, researching on how to connect everything between Unity and Android, coding the actual plugin, learning how Android System and Features work testing and a lot more of testing because not all Android mobile phone is the same, Android mobile phone Hardware and Software are heavily fragmented because there’s a lot of company producing it especially nowadays.
List of Features:
Note: Does not extend UnityPlayerActivity
1. Local Notification
2. Screen Shot and Share Image
3. Share Text
4. GPS
5. Speech To Text
6. Text To Speech
7. Immersive Full Screen Mode
8. Voice audio recorder with modify pitch
9. Get Android package id at Runtime
10. Get Android version at Runtime
11. Get Battery Life Percentage
12. Get Time
13. Flash light
14. Normal vibration
15. Vibration with pattern
16. Native loading UI
17. Native Rate my App Popup
18. Native Alert Popup
19. Native Toast Message
20. Set One Time Alarm
21. Set Repeating Alarm
22. Set Alarm with Interval
23. Camera - Take Picture using camera and then share
24. Image Picker - get image from the device and then share
25. Get Existing Texture from unity3d and then share
26. Download Image from the web and then share
27. Get Wifi IP
28. Get Wifi SSID
29. Get Wifi BSSID
30. Get Wifi Rssi
31. Get Wifi Speed in MBS
32. Get Wifi Signal Strength
33. Check if Wifi Connected
34. Check if Mobile Connected
35. Check if Wifi Connection is Fast
36. Check if Mobile Connection is Fast
37. Text To Speech Set Locale ex. US,UK,Japanese (20 selections)
38. Text To Speech Set Pitch
39. Text To Speech Set Speech Rate
40. Text To Speech added Events OnStartSpeech,OnDoneSpeech and OnError
41. Get Account Name(depends on device)
42. Get Account Email(depends on device)
43. Get Account Phone Number(depends on device)
44. Get Contact Name(depends on device)
45. Get Contact Phone(depends on device)
46. Create Folder on Pictures or DCIM Directory
47. Get Picture Directory Path
48. Get DCIM Directory Path
49. TTS get the available locale on device
50. File Picker, Image, Audio and Video
51. Automatic Speech Recognition works on Android and Oculus Quest, Works OFFLINE and Supports English Spanish, Portuguese and Chinese language, try the demo apk
52. In-Game Audio Recorder, try the demo apk
53. And a lot more
We are still active on this plugin and we are planning on adding more features to it.
For more Information:
Details | Documentation | Features | Video Tutorial Setup | Demo APK | FAQ
For questions or suggestions or any feedback just contact us by email
We don't do REFUNDS, so make sure to try out our demo 1st