This asset gives you a cinematic auto focusing effect for depth of field for your game (Built-in/URP/HDRP). Recommended for Cinematic Cameras, Orbit Cameras, Dolly Cameras, First Person Cameras and Third person cameras that don’t always look at the character.
This has Different Styles of Auto Depth of Field such as: Classic, Only Close Up Objects, Only Far Away Objects and Double Blur Range. Double Blur Range is for HDRP only.
Works with Cinematica, Ootii’s Camera System and just about any camera system you can think of.
Works with: Unity 2017/2018/2019/2020.
Works with Built-In/URP/LWRP/HDRP.
Built-In/URP/LWRP require PostProcessing 2.0 or 3.0 installed. HDRP does not require you to install Post Processing since it is included.
Does not work with Timeline or Video Rendering yet!
Some Screenshots are from an ArchViz asset (this asset is NOT included):
ArchViz Vol 6 Asset