• The asset has 4 models with standard PBR materials. 3 table models and one chest of drawers.
• All wooden maps have a size: 8192x8192
- Albedo
- Roughness
- NormalMap
- Ambient Occlusion
- Secondary Normal Map
• Maps for Details 1024x1024
- Albedo
- Roughness
- NormalMap
- Ambient Occlusion
• Tris
- Table 1: 524
- Table 2: 396
- Table 3: 494
- Dresser: ~370
• Vertex
- Table 1: 804
- Table 2: 660
- Table 3: 772
- Dresser: ~473
• Annotation
- Note the "Color Space" setting in your project. If the texture seems too dark or too light, and does not match the screenshots, I recommend you to understand this topic
- All objects use one 8192x8192 wood texture. This is done to improve performance. But, I recommend that in your project, whenever possible, use one of the presented wooden materials. This will lower the weight of the game and, depending on the situation, will lower the draw calls. I want your game to be of high quality and optimized. Therefore, if you are not aware of such moments, read about optimizing models and textures.