---------------------------------| Requriments |---------------------------------
-Before use this scripts , you have to download and import TextMeshPro, don't worry about it, its free and so usefull. We recomment to use on every text. And of course we recomment to use this asset on Unity 2019.4 or above. Some users can take errors below this version.
-----------------------------| What do you offer? |------------------------------
-For now this asset has 10 animation with customizable options.
-Every animation can combine with each other !
-Save a lot of time.
-You can edit your text with ~animName your text~ this code.
-Easy to use. Just enable the animation !
-You can clearly examine the codes!
-You can select the extra options e.g [Play On Start, Auto Width Height, Wait On Space, ...] !
-If we can reach to expected sale i will add more animations ,more advanced custom properties,better ui and more !
-If you have any question you can come to our discord and ask me !
----------------------------| How can i reach you? |-----------------------------
-Our WebSite
-Our Discord
-Email of Quadra