Cross-platform cloud storage for player purchases of premium virtual items and currencies. Instantly syncs accounts and comes pre-integrated with authentication and authorization access features.Cross-Platform SynchronizationSave and sync player purchases and rewards from any platform or device. Player Inventory uses a single touchpoint to instantly sync all user accounts with items and balances.Cloud-Based Storage of Flexible ItemsSell any virtual goods - consumable, non-consumable, subscriptions, bundles, currencies - and store any type of content.Pre-integrated Web StoreOpen a new channel of sales using Xsolla Site Builder for selling in-game items. When a player makes a purchase via a web store the item will be added to the player inventory in-game.FEATURES:Cross-platform synchronization of purchased itemsPlatform-independent storage capabilityConsole platform complianceADDITIONAL FEATURES:If optional Xsolla Login is usedOAuth 2.01-click authorization with 30+ providersSeamless authentication via Steam clientNative social authentication on mobile devicesUser account management and friend systemCustom user attributesAccess right managementRate limit, DDoS protection, Cloud StoragePre-integrated with MailChimpTo get started, simply create a publisher account with Xsolla.Discord server: join our comunitySupport email: integration@xsolla.comSee the documentation for more info:SDK Integration GuideSDK Source CodeIMPORTANT NOTESXsolla Cross-Buy is already included as part of Xsolla Game Commerce (XGC). You can download the XGC plugin if you need a broader set of features, but do NOT install these plugins separately.Xsolla Cross-Buy includes Xsolla Login & Account System. Do NOT install these two plugins separately.High-level CodeXsolla provides a solid and extensive API for advanced control. General basic knowledge of the game engine is a prerequisite. Easy start with:classes and methods for API callseasy-to-use callbackscomponents to synchronize GameObjects and Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs)DemoThe included demo showcases one possible example of how the included and distinct Xsolla products work together. Use it for reference only, or as an initial quick start version that you can expand and customize as needed.Built-in BrowserA built-in browser is provided with this SDK. It allows users to open the payment UI inside the game without an external browser. You can still use an external browser or another solution in your application. The repository exists here: Development Platforms64-bit OSWindows 7 SP1 and highermacOS 10.12 and higherSupported Target Build PlatformsiOSAndroidmacOSWindows 64-bitAdditional Info:The SDK supports creating a WebGL build to run your application in a browser.The minimum supported version of Unity — 2019.4.19f1