Corgi Raytracing - Built-in RP (Forward + Deferred!) + URP (VR + SPI supported!)
Wandering Corgi
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Raytracing for URP and BiRP!This package works for BiRP and URP. It does not support HDRP, because HDRP already has raytracing capabilities. Raytracing for your Unity projects, which are still using the built-in render pipelines and URP! This plugin allows for RTX-driven reflections and shadows, in both the forward and deferred renderers, and URP.This plugin is compatible with the builtin render pipeline's forward and deferred renderers, as well as URP's forward renderer, including URP's VR Single Pass Instanced render mode.This does NOT work with HDRP.The following effects are currently available:ReflectionsShadowsVolumetric ShadowsYes, the corgi FBX is included.If you have any requests, feel free to ask! Support is available by email, feel free to ask for help.Most current documentation: read the documentation's section on platform support before purchasing!Want to see if it will run on your machine before buying? Here's a demo: in BiRPRaytracing in URPHighly extendable API!