Increase the performance of your game by completely disabling game objects based on the frustum or distance of the camera.Frustum Culling can improves the performance of your game by disabling game objects completely when they're not in view (or distance) of the camera. Stop events, scripts, animations, sounds, basically all components on an object. It fully supports 3D (first & third person) as well as 2D and 2.5D games. This is not meant to be put on trees and other static objects which regular occlusion culling can take care of.Documentation | Discord | Publisher PageGET IN A BUNDLEThis asset is part of the Mega Tools Collection. Get 5 different assets while saving money.WHY USE FRUSTUM CULLING?Sometimes, depending on your game, you may have CPU intensive game objects that are affecting the performance although they may not be needed. To remedy this, we disable these game objects whenever they are out of view (or distance) and then re-enable them when back in view. A puzzle/interactable script that is making heavy calculations and validations every frame, for example, may not need to run when the player isn't looking. Disabling these out of view components can improve the framerate of your game dramatically.SUPPORTED VIEWSFully supports 3D (first & third person camera) as well as 2D including 2.5D camera view.RENDERING PIPELINESThis package works on all rendering pipelines (Built-in, URP & HDRP) but the demos are made for Built-in and URP.DYNAMIC OBJECTSFrustum Culling works on dynamic game objects. Even those generated at runtime.DISTANCE CULLINGYou can also, optionally, disable game objects based on the distance of the camera, as well as the view.HOW IS THIS DIFFERENT FROM UNITY'S SOLUTION?Unity performs Frustum Culling on static objects by default under Occlusion Culling. You need a custom solution, however, to completely disable the game object as Unity's solution merely disables the mesh renderer. Using our tool, you can disable a game object in its entirety and thus save even more on performance than standard Unity solutions would allow. On the other hand, it is recommended to not use it on one’s entire world.DOCUMENTATIONThe package comes with documentation and fully commented source code as well as a demo for Built-in and URP to help give you a running start.Please leave us your thoughts and let us know what you think, we always appreciate any feedback.For any questions, support or technical help, please contact me by email or Discord.