Best performance on runtime encryption.
Use like primitive types.
Random encrypt result, untraceable.For Current UsersPlease read online document for upgrading procedures.IntroduceGame balance is the most time consuming work besides game design, art and coding. However it is so easy to be broken by cheat tools, free to download, easy to use.Encryption is a method to protect your game data, but consume too much performance. That's why no developer want to use encryption in runtime. Most developer use encryption on only external data or assets encryption.What is AceLand EncryptionAceLand Encryption is an original encryption method that can protect not only your game data in runtime and external storage, but protect your efforts paid on it.There are 2 methods of encryption including in this asset package.Short Encryption - light-weight encryption for runtime useLong Encryption - heavy-weight encryption for external useBoth encryption methods are supporting upto 13 types, long, int, bool, float, etc.Too Easy to Use and ApplyWhen you use or apply AceLand Encryption, you will doubt whether it is really working. Don't worry, it is working fine.As shown in preview images, AceLand Encryption is a data struct that you can directly use it as a primitive types like int float bool and string.serialized value in inspectorcalculate, compare, ...formatter can serialize and deserializeany else you need?Why AceLand EncryptionYou always need to learn and memorize a tons of skills and functions to use a new tool. It is like a fate and it cannot be escaped……NOT for AceLand Encryption!!no change of you hobbiesno new skillsfree useful attributescompletely support inspector editingsupport editor developingAll of these are very simple that writen in document. You can easily understand and master it in a second.Even though you are new in programming, there are samples and explanations in document that you can learn how to master it.Editor developers can work with encrypt types in seconds.PerformanceShort Encryption is very high performance that is suitable for runtime that is enough to protect all important game data in runtime. You need not encrypt all your data.Please read the document for details.Safety - Unpredictable and UntraceableThe most important feature of AceLand Encryption is safety. This is also an important reason that you should use AceLand Encryption as a solution to protect your game data.Unpredictable - encrypt result of same value is different.Untraceable - encrypt a raising value is also safe, because the encrypt result has no trend can be traced.This feature is working with Short and Long Encryption to keep your game data as safe as possible in runtime and external storage.Please ref to preview images.Your Unique KeysAceLand Encryption is a 2-way encryption method. It works with keys.You can set your own keys to make your project works with unique encryption.Keys of AceLand Encryption is very complicated that contains over thousands keys. However it is extremely easy to set up. What you need to do is click or slide, then update.Keys is saved as a script in your project. There are a process of code obfuscation when building your project, it will be hard to get the source keys and the calculation methods.Local and Online DocumentThere is a document including details of AceLand Encryption. It's not only in this package, but also on cloud. You can delete the local documents for saving spaces because you can access online document.You need not bookmark anything, you can access online documents anytime by selecting from menuitem.Please ref to preview images.You can also see the document right now for your concerns:visit online documentsDisclaimer©Copyright reserved by AceLand Workshop and Parsue Choi, the developer.Encryption is not an 100% guarantee protection. Not only AceLand Encryption but all encryption.We are not responsible to any chances of decryption events.RequirementsUnity version 2018.x or aboveBasic skill of UnityBasic programming skill of c#Support Typessbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, decimal, bool, string, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4, Vector2Int, Vector3Int, QuaternionUse As Primitive Typesint hp = 10; => EInt hp = 10;bool alive = true; => EBool alive = true;No change of your existing codehp -= 5;if (hp <= 0) { alive = false; hp = 0;}Support PlayerPrefhp.SavePlayerPref("hp");if (PlayerPref.HasKey("hp")) hp.LoadPlayerPref("hp", 10);Support Formatter (serialize and deserialize)[System.Serializable]public class PlayerData { public EInt hp; public EBool alive;}public class SaveLoad { public static void Save(PlayerData data) { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream fs = File.Create(""); formatter.Serialize(fs, data); fs.Close(); } public static PlayerData Load() { BinaryFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); FileStream fs = File.OpenRead(""); PlayerData data = (PlayerData)formatter.Deserialize(fs); fs.Close(); return data; }}