Complete, extendable, Shaderless & Fully Customizable 2D Fog Of War System for your Maps!
This Fog Of War system uses no shaders, only fully customizable images and colors, making it incredibly easy to generate the perfect Fog of War feel to cover your maps.
Create your own fog style by mixing and matching from a large assortment of included images and atlases or add your own!
Any aspect or feel of the fog can be changed easily, from dense deep dark fog, to light fluffy pixelated clouds. The system can be used by anyone and massive fog systems can be generated in a matter of seconds.
This is a highly performant multi-threaded system that can be extended to any use case where you want to cover a map image of any size!
Event Hooks allows you to add your own custom methods to various events that happen while the system is active.
Fog Yeah! comes complete with a plethora of examples from the classic dense fog to camouflage fog, to post-its! Feel free to use these as is, or customize them to your need!
Extensive documentation and tutorials to get you up and running fast.
Fully commented and customizable code allows you to extend and modify easily.
Main features include
HDRP & URP Support
2D Image Support
- Cover your maps in any collection of Sprites!
2D (Orthographic) and 3D (World space) Camera Support
Automatic Map & Fog Generation
Fog regrowth modes
- Customizable shrouding effect
- Regrowing
- None
- Fog tile Color variations
- Fog tile Image variations
- A Random Color (From HSV) Button
Placement Options
- Scattering
- Random Rotation
- Grid size
- Density
Any transform can effect the fog.
- Example effectors
- Visually add your effectors before the
scene loads.
- Automatically detect fog effectors
Editor extensions
- Generate Fog Tiles
- Remove Fog Tiles - a general 'undo' button
High performant code
- Multi Threading
- Event Hooks to add your own custom behavior to events happening at runtime.
- Members to add and remove effectors at runtime with examples
- Singleton instance for ease of use
- Extensive documentation & fully commented code