This extends the macros available within the Unity Script Templates to
include folder based namespaces.
Provides options to tailor the namespace:
1) Strip ‘Assets.” from the namespace.
2) Strip additional folders such as script or editor
3) Prefix the namespace
4) Use a fixed namespace.
Original Macros:
#SCRIPTNAME#: The name of the script / file / class
#NOTRIM#: Stops the trimming of white-space before #NOTRIM#
#SCRIPTNAME_LOWER#: Camel case version of #SCRIPTNAME#
#NAME#: The original name
Additional Macros:
#NICENAME#: Uses ObjectNames.NicifyVariableName(...) to give a nice
readable name
#PRODUCTNAME#: Inserts Application.productName
#COMPANYNAME#: Inserts Application.companyName
#VERSION#: Inserts Application.version
#UNITYVERSION#: Inserts Application.unityVersion
#NAMESPACE#: Builds the namespace from the asset path.
#EDITORTYPE#: If #SCRIPTNAME# ends in "Editor" then #EDITORTYPE# will be
the proceeding part of the name. E.G. If #SCRIPTNAME# = 'FooEditor' then
#USERNAME#: Inserts System.Environment.UserName
#YEAR#: Inserts the current year - for copyright notices etc.
Provides additional templates under a create/c# heading:
Other c# types such as class, struct, interface, enum, ScriptableObjects,