Humanoid Basics is a small framework for creating a Third-Person game. Comes with basic Third Person Camera.The Ultimate Third Person Controller & CameraHumanoid Basics is the perfect solution for creating any 3rd person game. It is a simple, kinematic character controller designed to have the smoothest third-person controls and to excel in all projects. Originally based on a GTA III style controller.Web DemoOnline RoadmapOnline Documentation⭐ Now includes new Modular UI & Revamped Weapons ⭐✔️ Core Features:- Character Setup (Player or Npc) (One-click setup)- 6 Weapons Prefabs Included- Automatic Ragdoll- Shooting system- Swimming ⭐ NEW ⭐- Switch aim sides- Lean while aiming- Climb- Crouch- Jump- Walk and Run- Camera collision- A template with all necessary animations✔️ Humanoid AI- All the Same Abilities as a Humanoid Player- A* Path Finding- Pick up and Use Weapons.- Full locomotion AI + Climbing & Swimming.- Shooting Mechanics.- Custom Implementation - No Nav Mesh Agents.For all Resources & Help Join Discord below.