SYNC: Audio Visualizer Kit is a tool for Unity that allows real time reading on playing AudioSources for Samples, Frequency Bands, Amplitude and Beats.
Values processed can be used as variables to modify behaviours, components and any element you would like, such as color, transforms, particle emission, animations or enemy spawning, amongst others.
• Audio Peer:
Reads values from an AudioSource and processes them to be used by the AudioSyncers.Normally, just one AudioPeer per AudioSource is needed.
• Microphone Peer:
A subclass of AudioPeer that uses the microphone device instead of the AudioSource’s clip to extract values from.
For any other purposes it acts exactly the same as a regular AudioPeer.
Note: for Unity 2017.1 or below, devices with special characters apear as empty names due to a Unity bug (already reported).
• Audio Syncer:
An AudioSyncer will process the AudioPeer’s handled values and apply different conversions and modifiers depending on the chosen values and fields.
A single syncer can be used for a whole group of visualizers, which greatly improves performance, especially on large amounts of objects.
Note: It is recommended to have the lowest amount of AudioSyncers as possible, since it is the most cpu consuming task.
• Audio Visualizer:
Handles values processed by an AudioSyncer and applies specific options and modifiers to send them to the audio-driven behaviours.
Audio Visualizers proces audio values to be used every frame by any behaviour. Range 0.0 - 1.0.
• Beat Visualizer:
Handles values processed by an AudioSyncer and applies specific options and modifiers to send them to the audio-driven behaviours.
Beat Visualizers trigger on audio's beats and call any behaviours on the current beat's audio values.
• Audio & Beat Behaviours:
You can use any script to be modified by the audio values from a visualizer, however, SYNC provides two abstract classes to facilitate the creation process.
Audio Behaviours react to the real time audio values on each frame.
Beat Behaviours react to beat triggers, their audio values and beats' progess (Start - Loop - End - Rest).
• Premade Behaviours:
- Attractor
- Koch Line
- koch Translator
- Noise Flowfield
- Phyllotaxis Translator
- Animator
- Color
- Particle Emitter
- Scale
- Trail
- Translate Path
• Instantiator:
A component that will create any amount of instances of a GameObject, preferably with an AudioVisualizer or BeatVisualizer and audio behaviours, and positionates them using a PositionerFunction.
• No audio preprocessing, everything is processed in realtime.
• Noise Flowfield behaviours may lead to frame drops depending on the amount and complexity of the objects spawned.
• Sprites:
Used sprites (flatboy, graveyardtilesetnew and zombiefiles) are under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) a.k.a. Public Domain License.
Obtained from GameArt2D by Zuhira Alfira a.k.a. pzUH.
• Music:
Night - Soft Techno by editjo
under Creative Commons Zero (CC0) a.k.a. Public Domain License.
Obtained from FreeSound.