Texture Channel Mixer is an editor extension which allows to split color channels from images and recombine them to make new ones.
Additionally you can adjust the value for each channel by adding modifiers to the respective node.
Using the built-in preset system you can create you own connection configurations to improve the workflow for your project!
How to use
You can find the tool in Window>Texture Channel Mixer
Within the tool you can add reference images by clicking on the "Add Reference" button, then mix the channels and add modifiers as you like. When you are satisfied with the result, set the export dimensions and export your final image!
If you want to use presets, use the preset buttons at the top of the window. Use the Save/Load buttons to add a new preset.
Use the Clear button to clear the current configuration.
Use cases
This tool could be useful to improve performance by combining as many textures as possible to reduce the amount of texture samplers in your shaders!
Another helpful use case would be for creating a HDRP Mask Map from separate Detail, AO, Metallic and Roughness maps.