Many people asked us if there is a project with all our addonsAnd we have prepared such a project.All addons installed and configuredAll you need to do is install this set of addons and open the prepared scene "GFF Addons"This pack contains addons that we have released and some that we have not yet released* + all Sounds and TexturesAll new addons that we will develop for uMMORPG will be added here and you will get it for freeInfo :In the project you will find instructions with a detailed description of how to configure the project.Developed and tested on :* uMMORPG Classic 1.194 Link Released addolsAggro ExtendedAdvanced Ammo SystemAmulets, Rings and EarringsAuctionAuto kill monsters and Auto lootChaos Potion (PVP Extended)Improved Crit & Block & StunAttackRange & AttackSpeedBonuses in percentagesCombat Skills (pt)Dodge & AccuracyExperience, Gold and Items BonusesExtended AttributesMin and Max DamageMove SpeedStaminaVampirismCharacter Creation and CustomizationCharacter RanksChat ExtendedCrafting ExtendedDaily RewardsDopingsElementsFriends SystemGame Control panelGameMasterTool ExtendedGathering ResourcesGuild Extended SystemItem DurabilityItem rarityEnchant itemsItem WeightKing ElectionLevelUpLoot ExtendedLogin ExtendedMacro UsageMail SystemMenu, Graphics Settings and AudioMounts ExtendedNon Target SkillsNPC Trading SystemOre mining and processingPets ExtendedQuests ExtendedRespawn SystemStorageStorage GuildTarget ExtendedTeleportTotem BuffUnreleased addolsExtended Tool TipSkyBoxExtended SkillsVersions for other projects* For uMMORPG Remastered* For uMMORPG 2D Remastered