This asset contains a pack of HQ props of basketball court.This asset contains a pack of HQ props of basketball court. All models are low-poly with PBR materials ( Albedo, Metallic+Roughness+AO, Normal map)Models (10): Basketball ball, Basketball Hoop, Basketball court, Bench, Trashcan, 4 Fences, Street light.Full PackThere isn’t a model that you specifically need? You can request one!Discord support: yrayushka@yahoo.comWEB: Render Pipeline: Universal Render Pipeline. Textures: 4096x4096px Verts: ~3000 per modelThanks to Mariuzas3DRender: Standart pipeline. Also works with URP/HDRP.If you use Standart Render Pipeline all materials will appear pink, to solve this select all materials from the asset and change Material shader to standart (metallic).Scriptable Render Pipeline: Universal Render Pipeline. Textures: 4096x4096px Verts: ~3000 per model