"Massive Battle AI" contains both Tank and Air Battle systems to simulate hundreds of planes, dragons, and tanks in an infinite battle.
It is built off systems created for PC Videogame "Emu War".
Using proprietary logic, it allows hundreds of units to enter into an infinite battle either for completely dynamic background atmosphere, or interactive battles for your game.
It also allows quick and simple prototyping of aerial and tank battle gameplay.
Included are multiple demo scenes including "dogfight", "dragon battle", "tank battle" and "combined battle", "race dogfight" with Player Controlled Setup prefabs there to let you immediately jump into the action and enter the fight.
Meshes can easily be switched changing the nature of the battle instantly.
In depth documentation is also available which offer explanatory manuals which details the system, and easy step by step setup guides.
You can have an aerial battle of hundreds of units up and running in less than a minute with easy prefabs ready to go, no code needed.
For those that want to delve deeper into the system to customise it, code is included in C# that can easily be modified as you see fit.
It can also be used as a learning resource as the logic is not abstract and easily readable.
For further support, you can contact the developer directly either through the support thread on Unity Forums (https://forum.unity.com/threads/massive-battle-ai-combined-air-and-tank-battles.974610/#post-6336255) or via support@hermitmode.com.au
Supports the following render pipelines:
Standard, SRP LW and SRP HD.
Minimum compatibility is for Unity 2019.4.9