You can quickly add a localization system to your game without typing any code!
✔ Supports All Platforms!
It's mainly designed for Android & IOS, but it supports every platforms.
✔ Easy To Use!
It's designed to be as flexible and easy as possible. Without typing any code, you can localize all of your game.
✔ Convenient for all kind of games!Simple Localization is completely seperated from the core logic of your game, so you can easily use it for any kind of game.
✔ Supports Every Languages!Simple Localization supports every languages in the world. You only need to select the ones you want to localize.
✔ Supports Every Text TypesBasic UI Text, TextMeshPro, TextMeshProUGUI and more! You can use the system for any text type you want.
✔ Long Term Support!
You can use the Simple Localization System with any Unity version you want without any error.
Basic Setup
It's highly recommended to read the documentation inside of the asset.
1- Drag and drop StreamingAssets folder to the Assets folder.
2- Open up Resources/Active Languages object and select the languages you want to localize.
3- To assign the Scripts/Language/LanguageConfiguration.cs script, create an empty gameobject, then select the default language. This will only configure the default language when the game first starts, so only put it to your mainmenu scene.
4- To edit keys and values, go to Window/Simple Localization/Localizer. You can add or remove keys from here.
5- Go to your UI Text gameobject, and assign the LocalizedText.cs script to it. After that, type the relevant key to the field.
❗ If you're using TMPro. Go to LocalizedTextMeshProUGUI.cs script and uncomment all the lines after you've import the TMPro.
❤️ That's it!
multilanguage translation multi-language localization language android ios simple android localizer translation multi-language mobile localize