This asset contains the prefabs for a third person lock-on camera similar to other popular action RPGs.
Without locking on, the camera is in Free Camera Mode which allows the user to move the camera freely around the player. When the user locks onto an object, the camera goes into Lock-On Mode which always has the player and the locked-on object in the frame.
Users can easily switch between lock-on targets by pressing a direction with the camera control (typically right stick on controllers and mouse movement with a computer). The camera will automatically lock onto the next enemy in the direction pressed by the user.
Customizable Features:
• Camera's starting location and rotation
• Camera's move and rotation speed
• Camera's minimum and maximum Y angles
• Camera's lock on looseness
• Cameras lock and unlock range
• Cursor lock-on icon
• Cursor lock-on icon location
• What gameobjects prevent lock-on if blocking the enemy (i.e. Terrain)
If you have any questions, comments, or feature requests, please email