Tracks and Footprints is an asset that uses tessellation shader, containing 3 demonstrations scenes and an user manual.
The package includes shaders to draw trails using the mouse and shaders to create tracks or footprints on surfaces depending on
the shape of the objects on it.
It also contais commented scripts to control the effect of snow covering the tracks over time and the effect of drawing with mouse.
The footprints are created dynamically as the character walks. Each footprint follows the shape and movement of the character's feet.
This package has two models of shoebill stork and one of them is using shoes to demonstrate that. Each of this models will produce different footprints.
This asset does not work with URP and HDRP. It was developed to work in a 3D project with a built-in Rendering Pipeline.
This asset does not work on terrains. It was developed to be applied as a material in 3D planes.
Unity Conect Shoebill Games
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