This high performance package provides an easy way of making object pools, removing constant calls to the garbage collector.
It's very easy to use: just implement the interface and replace every call to Instantiate() and Destroy() with ObjectPooler.Require() and ObjectPooler.Release(), respectively.
• Limited and unlimited size pools.
• Very easy to use.
• Auto-release: when enabled, the pool will auto release an active gameobject if it can not fulfill gameobject demand.
• Start size and max size parameters: pools will adapt their size run time.
• No need to extend other classes. To make an object poolable you just need to implement an interface into the object. This way you can make poolable every monobehaviour, including the ones from other packages.
• Use of Singleton pattern: you can access pools everywhere in your project.
• Disabled objects do not clutter Scene Inspector: every pool has its own parent transform that will contain all inactive objects.
Tutorial on how to use it and example scene are inside the package.
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