This asset contains simple data examples which can be loaded and generated by GIS Terrain Loader.
GIS Terrain Loader
GIS Terrain Loader is Runtime-Editor plugin that gives you the ability to import geographic data directly into Unity Engine, designed to load not only Real World Terrains data but also any supported customized terrain data exported from any GIS applications or external terrain generators (GlobalMapper, QGIS ,WorldMachin, ArcGIS ,SAS.Planet..etc)..
GIS Terrain Loader create terrains basing on loading (Raster-Vector-DEM) data that makes importing and modifying large quantities of data fast and easy.
Key Benefits:
- Import Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to create accurate Landscapes.
- Import Raster (Textures) data to add texture to Unity terrains.
- Import GIS vector lines to create 3D objects like roads, buildings, trees and more...
- Adapte an accurate Geo-location and geo-referencing operations for serious games.
- Supported Data :
- DEM Data :
*.Tiff (16-32bit) + Tilled Tiff + Multi-Bands + GrayScale : GeoTiff Files,
*.Hgt : Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) Data,
*.Flt : Floating Point Raster File,
*.Bil : Band Interleaved by Line (BIL) Image File,
*.Bin : Binary Float point
*.Las : Lidar Point Cloud Format ,
*.Ter : Terragen File,
*.Raw : Unity Heightmap data,
*.Png Grayscale : Grayscale Pixel File ,
- Raster Data : { " *.jpg, *.Png " } .
- Vector Data : { " *.Osm : OpenStreetMap Informations , *.Shp : ESRI Geometry data, *.GPX : GPS Exchange Format " } .
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