Yes, this is yet another Touch Library. So, why did I design and build another one? Well, to my knowledge, this is the first 3rd party library built exclusively for Unity’s new Input System. But that in and of itself wasn’t really enough to justify another library.
What I needed from the new system was simplicity, without too much overengineering. I needed something that was easy to implement while being robust. I wanted to be able to effortlessly add new features if needed, while keeping the performance as high as possible. And with those requirements in mind, I set about building the modular Touch Controls Library.
Using best-practices programming, I've worked towards producing a zero-garbage, performance-centric, library*.
The Touch Controls Library contains all the controllers needed to collate and consume user input. The primary controllers are Joypad Controller, UI Input Module Controller, Pan, Zoom & Rotate Controller, and finally the Gesture Recogniser Controller. The controllers can be used for single touches, multi-touch control, taps, flicks, glyph/symbol recognition, and even one, two or four joypads on the screen at once!
This package also contains drivers for other common packages. So far, there are drivers for the Unity Standard Assets and Corgi engine. (More will be added as requested).
To get a feel of how this package can boost your game development, I invite you to see the demonstration videos of the library in action.
I hope you find it as easy to use as I have. Touch input shouldn’t be difficult in this day and age, and this is my contribution to that goal.
For questions, comments or suggestions, please contact me directly at, visit the Touch Controls Library Forums Page or join me over at Unity Game Developers International Facebook page.
Happy coding,
Milan Egon Votrubec.
Note: this product is currently offered at an introductory price. It hasn't been as "battle tested" as I'd like. Until that time, the price will remain discounted.
* With the exception of the Gesture Recogniser (which hasn't reached that goal just yet), the package itself comes close to achieving a zero-garbage producing state. A standalone windows application is also included at to allow developers to create custom gesture files.