Vizario JPEGVizario JPEG is a wrapper around the famous LibJPEG-Turbo library, enabling fast encoding and decoding of raw byte buffers. It originates from one of our previous projects, at some point requiring frame-by-frame encoding of images from RenderTextures.The current version was tested on MacOS, Windows, Android, iOS and Hololens 1/2.Features- Synchronous Encoding and Decoding- Asynchronous Encoding and Decoding (using Callbacks)- RGB24 support- Grayscale supportSupported Platforms- Android (including Magic Leap)- Linux (64-bit)- iOS- MacOS (including Silicon)- Windows Desktop (32-bit and 64-bit)- Windows UWP (Hololens 1+2 - 32-bit, 64-bit, arm, arm64)This asset uses LibJPEG-Turbo under Modified (3-clause) BSD License; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.Included example image taken from Pexels