You want Auras that stack? Auras with Area of Effect? Auras that can be applied to different groups!? Auras that can modify stats!? Modify status changes!? Modify damage and healing? Modify whatever! This is for you!
A simple “No Frills” system designed to help you add and manage Auras.
Auras are passive systems that can add buffs, debuffs, status changes, stat modifiers, and much more to a single thing, to groups of things all within a certain range, and can be continuously applied or applied just once!
Check out the documentation to gain more insight into the package before buying! I dare you!
Full Documentation
Windows Demo
The Aura is a Scriptable Object, so you can add it anywhere! You add one reference and BAM!
The Aura Controller is a Scriptable Object and an optional addition. You want something that will toggle the Auras on and off easily? That can refresh them? That can allow you to stack multiple Auras with full control!? This controller is a bonus addition! You can add it anywhere and will persist through scenes. You add one reference and BAM!
"No Frills" means simple and nothing extra or unnecessary is added to the package. This won't bloat you with Editor Windows and doesn't lean on any external dependencies.
3D assets shown in previews are not included. Check the video for the credits.