Save 40% by buying another Kingyan Incorporated asset first!!! This even stacks up during a sale!!!
Remember Jetpack Joyride, it was a pretty cool game wasn’t it? Ever wanted to remake it but in 2.5D and in Unity but don’t have the time or energy to code every single feature?
Well, by using this template you get access to:
-A jetpack mechanic with fuel usage and pick-ups
-Random world generation with different prefabs
-Particle Systems
-Detailed models for the character and environment
-A flexible obstacle spawning system
-Clean and well documented code
-A scoring system using the distance you’ve runned through (in meters).
This should hopefully help you make a decent Mobile/PC game, and save you a lot of time and energy!
Wow, it is so cool, I can jump with jetpack, pickup fuel, the world is generating randomly, the models are so detailed, and there’s a score system also lazers, 10/10 i would play again.
-Someone, idk
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