HexagonRegionPartitioning allows quick, easy creation of terrain grass/tree/other Prefab spawning regions for efficient planting / unplanting of Prefabs.Regions can be populated with multiple types of Prefab based on RegionPartition and elevation (y-axis). Prefabs are pooled and dynamically placed/removed using variable adjacency depths.
Spawning is performed around Trackable objects and HexagonRegionPartitioning supports multi-object tracking.
Exclusion areas are available to create no-spawn areas. Objects are pooled to minimise dynamic Instantiation and significant effort has been taken minimise Garbage allocation. Where possible, off-thread computation has been implemented to reduces Coroutine drain.
HexagonPartition size, spawn depth, per-cell spawning and scale rates are configurable to allow for detailed Region customisation.
Support is available at predesignit@gmail.com