Integrates Game Creator Shooter with PhotonThis module allows to easily convert your single player shooter game into a online multiplayer shooter game with the power of Photon Unity Networking 2.NOTICE:Photon Shooter is an extension for Game Creator and won't work without it.This module also requires to have the Photon Module and Shooter modules installed.This module is in BETA if you find a bug or need a new feature don't hesitate to reach me at the Discord Channel or at🔸 KEY FEATURES 🔸• Complete Player Shooter and Character Shooter synchronization with a single click• Full control of Weapons and Ammo available in your game with a simple registration setup.• Compatible with all GC modules.• Detailed documentation.🔸 OTHER MODULES 🔸Photon TraversalState MachinePhoton MeleeFusion Module (coming soon)🔸 LINKS 🔸• Discord• WebGL Demo• Documentation⚠ NOTE ⚠This module requires Game Creator and Photon Module and won't work without it.