Legacy Asset
This asset uses a legacy version of Steamworks Complete which has been replaced by Steamworks V2. This asset will no longer be updated. It will be deprecated soon (removed from sale) Please see:
Steamworks V2 Foundation ( Free )
Steamworks V2 Complete ( Premium )
This is a port of Valve's Steamworks Example aka App 480 aka Spacewar.
This is a work in progress (WIP) and currently demonstrates single-player, peer to peer and Steam game server based game play situations built on Heathen Engineering's Steamworks Complete and Vis2k's Mirror.
Note that this package requires Steamworks Complete and Mirror
For community support please visit Heathen's Discord.
Online Heathen's Documentation can be found here!.
As noted this project is a work in progress, at current it does represent a fully playable game in all modes. The currently implamented features include:
- Steamworks Foundation; (API initialization, authentication, etc.)
- Steam Lobby; create or join a lobby
- Steam Peer to Peer networking; P2P based multiplayer
- Steam Game Server; Client/Server based multiplayer
- Steam Game Server Browser; search for internet and LAN based browsers
- Network gameplay; fly your ship and shot and destroy enemy ships
- Steam Workshop; browse the Steam workshop for app 480
Upcoming Features:
- Steam Stats; (partially demonstrated)
- Steam Achiievements; (partially demonstrated)
- Steam Friends List
- Music Player
- HTML Pagee
- Remote Play
- Voice Chat; (partially demonstrated)
- DLC Manager; (partially demonstrated)
- Leaderboards; (partially demonstrated)
- Remote Storage
- Player Inventory / In-game store; (partially demonstrated)
This example includes the Spacewar game code. It is up to you to aquire and install the requirements as outlined in the Readme object. This package does not include Steamworks Complete or Mirror, you will need to download and install those assets before using this package as well as requirements from the Unity Package Manager (Cinemachine and Text Mesh Pro).
If you have any questions please contact Heathen Engineering via Discord.