Safire 2D Camera is a powerful tool for creating 2D camera mechanics. It has a ton of features, friendly interface, works on all platforms, it's super easy to learn, and no programming is required!Read the docs. Need extra help? Join the Flare discord, and ask questions about Safire there.Note: This tool comes included with Flare Engine!FollowThis is the main workhorse of the system. This will follow the player to your precise needs. This includes smoothing, player offset, dead zone, screen zone, autoscroll, ignore gravity, and push zone.PeekMake the camera quickly peek in the desired direction.RoomsCreate a series of interconnected rooms (with zoom) for the player to traverse through. Each room can also have multiple targets for the camera to follow.Speed ZoomZoom based on player speed.Look AheadPush the camera forward in the direction of player movement. Choose from several types, including mouse influence.CinematicsCreate a cinematic sequence with a letterbox to highlight special moments in your game.RailsMove the camera in linear segments as it follows the player. Use horizontal, vertical, or automatic rails.ShakeCreate a list of shake presets. Shake the camera with Random, Perlin, Sine, One Shot, or Single Shake.ParallaxUse layers to create the illusion of depth. Infinite parallax is automatically implemented.Pixel PerfectDisplay pixel art perfectly.Highlight TargetObjects in your world can influence the camera to highlight events.World ClampClamp the camera to the world.RegionsCreate areas that influence camera movement.TriggersSlow Motion, Zoom, Basic.User Follow Mode: Pan, Zoom, RotateLet the user control the camera directly with touch, the keyboard, and mouse.Works on all platforms.Read the docs.