This is a FREE, UNOFFICIAL, MIT licensed, open source plugin, to support Sign In With Apple in iOS, tvOS and macOS. The plugin is developed by the community, and it´s not the same one as the official plugin from Unity available in the Asset Store.
The main purpose for this plugin is to expose Apple's newest feature, Sign in with Apple, to the Unity game engine. The plugin started development as soon as Apple announced the feature and has been around for a while already. Version v1.2.0 was released recently, adding macOS support, that´s why I decided to also post it here as well.
On WWDC19, Apple announced Sign in with Apple, and on top of that, they announced that every iOS/tvOS/macOS Application that used any kind of Third party sign-ins (like Sign in with Facebook, or Sign in with Google), will have to support Sign in with Apple in order to get approved for the App Store, making it mandatory.⠀ The plugin is also available on GitHub:
- Support for iOS/tvOS/macOS
- Supports Sign in with Apple, with customizable scopes (Email and Full name).
- Supports Get Credential status (Authorized, Revoked and Not Found).
- Supports Quick login (including iTunes Keychain credentials).
- Supports adding Sign In with Apple capability to Xcode project programatically in a PostBuild script.
- Supports listening to Credentials Revoked notifications
- Supports setting custom Nonce and State for authorization requests when Signing In, and attempting a Quick Login.
- NSError mapping 1:1 so no details are missing.
- NSPersonNameComponents support (for ALL different styles).
- Customizable serialization (uses Unity default serialization, but you can add your own implementation)