A collection of seamlessly loopable ambiences, focused mainly on RPG settings and environments, but perfect for fantasy games of any kind.Produced and recorded by Andrea Baroni.MAIN ENVIRONMENTS:Astral PlaneCaveDungeon I & IIDungeon ShopForest Day & NightForest - Windy and CreepyHellish Dungeon I & IIMinesMinetownTemple - Mystical & QuietVillageEXTRA LAYERS (to use on their own or on top of another ambience):CampfireRain in TownA total of 17 tracks, 53 minutes of ambience loops - 44kHz 16bit wav files► See the FULL TRACKLIST pdf▷ If you also need orchestral, fantasy music you should check the music pack Dark Orchestra - Medieval Epic here on the Unity Asset Store.▷ If you need more ambiences you should also check the Horror Ambiences pack here on the Unity Asset Store. They can combine and mix perfectly with these!--------------------------------------------------DOWNLOAD A FREE MUSIC PACK:Join Andrea Baroni's newsletter and download a free music pack with 16 tracks from his best-selling music packs, ranging from chiptune to epic orchestral compositions.ANDREA BARONIandreabaroni.com