File Generator Pro is a rethinking of the built-in script creation system in Unity.
=== Documentation ===
=== Support Forum ===
=== Discord Group ===
File Generator Pro enables you to create classes, interfaces, enums, and structs. It is capable validating classes and implementing complex inheritance on file creation, and even allows you to create multiple classes at once using the batch tool! Additionally, this tool has the ability to generate general-purpose files such as JSON, XML, Text, and even Markdown files.
- Create: classes, structs, interfaces, and enums
- Auto-Implement: abstract methods and interfaces
- Validation: ensure you are inheriting from existing classes, and that the class you're generating is error-free!
- Code Style Preferences: if you prefer braces on a new line rather than the same, you can rest easy!
- Batch class creation: implement many similar classes at once!
- Pro/Indie skins: designed to look great in any editor style.