Sherbb's Particle Collection is a selection of particle effects designed to be flexible for use in your projects.
All effects are 100% recolor-able through particle parameters.
Choose from 3 types of Effects
24 Standard Effects
7 Atmosphere Effects
4 Trail Effects
Things to know before purchasing:
-Most effects use emission and require a form of post processing bloom to create the glow effects. The default scene uses Unity's post processing stack.
-Effects are easily scaled in LOCAL SPACE. If your project requires WORLD SPACE particles, resizing them to fit your project could prove difficult.
-The materials are set for the Unity Standard renderer. If you plan on using URP/HDRP updating the materials properly should be very straight forward with some know-how.
-All materials with mesh have GPU Instancing DISABLED
Whats Included
35 Particle Effects
17 Simple Materials
4 Mask Textures
3 Mesh (icoBig 20 tris, Triangle 1 tris, WireIco 396 tris)
Showcase Scene
Post Process Settings Profile