Advanced Shooter & Melee Third Person Controller⭐ATTENTION⭐* This Asset already includes all the Basic Locomotion and Melee Combat Templates features.** This package have a Custom ProjectSettings, it will not overwrite your own at first but you need to import manually to use it.⭐ TRY THE DEMO:[WEBGL]Invector's Third Person Templates can help bring your game to life with a high-quality humanoid Character Controller that takes minutes to set up, we have a solid and highly customizable template so you can focus on making your game unique.⭐ Beginners will have a great learning curve with several [Tutorials], [Documentation] and the vCommunity to help you out, no scripting skills are necessary to create something cool⭐ Advanced users will enjoy the thousands of features we included and continue to include over the past 6 years of development and support of our assetsInvector's [ Community] gets bigger every day with thousands of registered users and hundreds of daily visitations posting questions, helping each other, or sharing their creations, integrations, and add-ons developed by users✔️ Official [Add-ons]: Looking for a specific mechanic? We have some cool add-ons!✔️ NO DLL's: all Scripts are written in C# and open for modifications✔️ Examples Included: different gameplay styles such as TopDown, 2.5D, Mobile, Point&Click⭐ SHOOTER FEATURES ⭐- Shooter Behavior & Animations (Basic & Melee features already included)- Projectile bullets with a trail renderer- Throwing objects with a Trajectory system (grenade, bottles, etc..)- Optional Melee attacks for Shooter Weapons- Advanced damage based on distance & velocity- Decal for projectiles based on tags (different materials)- Advanced Scope View- Aiming System with dispersion, range, shot frequency, recoil, etc...- Particles, Sounds, Custom Bullets to emit on attack- Archery System included- Advanced IK Adjustment System based on Weapon/Stance- Large number of customization to create different types of weapon- Secondary Shot to create powerful weapons- Hipfire⭐ MELEE COMBAT FEATURES ⭐- Melee Combat Behavior & Animations (Basic Locomotion features already included)- Use different MoveSets, Attacks, Defense, HitReaction, and HitRecoil per weapon- Inventory Example, Collect, Drop and Destroy items- Simple Melee AI included as a bonus (For advanced AI, check our [FSM AI Template])- Holder Manager- Different types of Potions to recovery health or increase health/stamina- Stamina Combat Based System (optional)- Lock-On Target System⭐ BASIC LOCOMOTION FEATURES ⭐- Basic Locomotion Behavior and Animations- Advanced Third Person Camera System- Sprint, Jump, Crouch, and Roll- Vault, Climb, or StepUp obstacles- Generic Action system to trigger simple animations- Ladder System- Ragdoll System- FootStep System- Several Util scripts to help you develop your game- Isometric, 2.5D Platformer, TopDown, Mobile demo scenes are included[REFUND POLICY]
[Basic Locomotion]
[Melee Combat]
✔️ NO DLL's:すべてのスクリプトはC#で記述され、変更用に開かれています
✔️ Examples️含まれる例:TopDown、2.5D、モバイル、Point&Clickなどのさまざまなゲームプレイスタイル
-ボーナスとして含まれるシンプルなMelee AI(高度なAIについては、[FSM AIテンプレート]を確認してください)
-アイソメトリック、2.5D Plaformer、TopDown、モバイルデモシーンが含まれています
※ 上記アセット説明(日本語翻訳)は2020年4月28日時点の内容です。