This is a set of very detailed, professionally produced orchestral music tracks for some of the most common settings in games, including heroic main themes, music for town settings, desert landscapes, boss battles, etc.Get custom music from me: FiverrAll the music tracks have precisely placed loop points within the files, so it's very easy to make the music loop flawlessly.There are also some musical sound effects for some common situations such as a triumph fanfare, a game over sound, a sound for secret discovery and a few more.The music in this pack has all been traditionally notated and then produced using industry standard, professional tools, with much care and attention to detail.Contents (15 musical tracks and 6 musical sound effects): BGM01hero, BGM02evil, BGM03prairie, BGM04town, BGM05castle, BGM06adventure, BGM07battle, BGM08boss1, BGM09boss2, BGM10desert, BGM11bazaar, BGM12dungeon1, BGM13dungeon2, BGM14race, BGM15shrine, BGM16jungle, BGM17battle2, MS01triumph, MS02gameover, MS03discover, MS04complete, MS05secret,