Jahro Debug Console is a tool designed for Unity developers, which significantly simplifies the debugging process and enhances build control. Launch commands, see logs, watch over variables.| Website | Getting Started | Contact us |🚀 COMMANDS:| Read more >> |Static Commands: Execute any static command you define.Non-static Commands: Execute non-static commands related to specific instances.Dynamic Command Registration: Register commands dynamically to specific objects.Lambda Expressions Commands: Use lambda expressions for command execution.Overload Support: Jahro supports multiple methods with the same name.Different Parameters Types: Jahro can handle various parameter types.👁️ WATCHER:| Read more >> |Monitor Values: Keep an eye on field and property values in real-time as your game plays.Static and Non-static: Jahro supports watching values from both static and non-static components.Detailed Info: Get in-depth information for each watched component.Exception Handling: smoothly manage null and exception situations to avoid crashes.📚 LOGS:| Read more >> |See Debug.Log: Jahro Console can display all Debug.Log messages.Custom Jahro Logs: Jahro Console can create and display custom logs.Search: Find specific logs quickly and easily.Filter: Filter the logs based on your criteria.Copy and Share: Share specific logs with your team.Stacktrace and message: Jahro Console provides a detailed stacktrace and message for each command.📱 UI:Disable Option: Jahro can be easily disabled from release build in one clickLightweight: designed to use minimal resources.Mobile-friendly: Jahro is designed for optimal use on mobile devices.Customizable: Adjust the size, scale and position of Jahro based on your preference.Visual and Text modes: Jahro Console supports command execution in both visual and text modes.Autocomplete: Jahro Console suggests commands as you type.Grouping Commands: Jahro Console allows you to organize your commands.Visual input for parameters: Jahro Console provides a visual interface for parameter input.With Jahro Debug Console, Unity debugging becomes more efficient, and control over your builds becomes stronger.For more information and documentation please visit our jahro.io📦 HOW IT WORKS:Step 1: Install the PluginStep 2: Create a Command with [JahroCommand] attributeStep 3: Launch your Project in Unity or the target platformStep 4: Launch the Command to test the episode in real-time.