Do more with Heathen Engineering’s UIX Foundation!
UIX Foundation is a collection of UI and UIX tools built on top of Heathen’s System Core. UIX extends the System Core framework enabling animated context sensitive pointers, easy to use and flexible UI themes, simple multi-scene management and much more. As with system core the system is based on Scriptable Objects and fully supports both event driven and loop based workflows.
This is the "Foundation" of Heathen's UIX tools additional modules are available for individual purchase or you can get them all in one pack! See our list of UIX asset here for more detaiils
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Systems and Features
More than just a framework, UIX Complete includes all of Heathen’s UI and UIX assets, included in the package is.
➼Scenes Manager
Easily manage a multiple scene structure in Unity. Simple load and unload of multiple scenes at once with events on start, update and complete making for easy and smooth transitions.
➼Animated Context Cursor
Quickly and easily set up multiple animated cursors and switch between them at run time based on events in your game.
➼Theme / UIX Sync
A simple system, syncing attributes of your UI elements with System Core Scriptable Variables. This allows you to define UI style information as scriptable objects and register those styles to your UI elements insuring, they update should the style change at runtime.
Built on System Core
UIX is built on top of Heathen’s System Core, key features of Systems Core include
➼Game Events
Define events in your game as scriptable objects … for example Save, Exit, Start, these events can be listened to from anywhere and raised from anywhere.
➼Scriptable Variables
Define your games data model in your asset database. Player health, level, etc. then use these referenceable objects through out your game helping you reduce dependency between objects and simplify your games architecture.
➼Change Events
Scriptable Variables are Game Events which raise messages on change of data enabling you to drive your UI and game systems by events
➼Serializable Datatypes
Heathen has wrapped most of Unity’s non-serializable datatypes with Scriptable Variables and enabled a simple system for saving and loading data.
Heathen’s tools reduce or eliminate the need for code any many cases however we also support the programmer. Our frameworks are designed to be extended with interfaces and base classes to reduce work required, including custom drawers so that your extensions look and feel like native editor tools.
Want more!
Check out UIX Complete for all of our UIX tools and systems in 1 package.