Compatible from Unity 2018.3.
Internationalize your game by adding this language manager.
You will be able to create new languages and delete them, create, edit and delete translations.
- Administrator in windowed mode for greater ease, accessing from the menu or pressing CTRL + SHIFT + L.
- Fully integrated with TextMesh PRO.
- Custom components with TextMesh PRO in the menus for greater comfort.
- You can export the main language to the JSON format, useful if you have to send it to an external entity to translate it and then import it.
- Import and use without complications.
It also includes the management of preferences in '.ini' files. See the Settings.cs class (located in 'Assets\BundleLanguageManagerPack\OlivaDevelop\Utils\Configuration\Settings.cs') and replace the text 'yourSettingsFile' with a valid name to store your settings.
You can integrate it to make a dynamic language change in your game. In the ConfigKeys.cs class (located in 'Assets\BundleLanguageManagerPack\OlivaDevelop\Utils\Configuration\ConfigKeys.cs') there is a list of keys to store your preferences that you can configure to your liking. For language management, 'ConfigKeys.Language' is used.
**This asset uses SharpConfig under MIT Licence; see Third-Party Notices.txt file in package for details.