Vtext Pro generates dynamic 2D and 3D text at runtime, using an intuitive user interface. Vtext Pro supports Unity 2018(Personal Edition & Enterprise Solutions)
Vtext Pro supports the following platforms (32-/64-bit):
Windows | Mac | iOS | Android | Linux | WebGL
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Key Features:
- Dynamic creation of 3D text
- Supports TTF and OTF fonts
- Intuitive user interface
- Size, bevel, depth and quality dynamically adaptable
- Changeable resolution of generated meshes
- Different material slots for these parameters
- Bending of the 3D text (curve editor)
- Circular bending of the 3D text
- Text alignment
- Line spacing
- Optimized UV layout for Lightmapping
- supports Light Probes
- generate bounding boxes and or rigidbodies automatically for each glyph
Vtext Pro supports any TTF or OTF fonts to create the geometry of the 3D texts.
The generated texts are dynamic adjustable in size, depth and slope and different materials can be used for this parameters.
Vtext Pro automatically generates an optimal UV layout for the 3D text, which is optimized for Light
Mapping in Unity. The geometries of the individual letters are optimized for desktop and mobile
devices. Also it generates tangents for the 3D text to get the best results when using normal maps.
With Vtext Pro created 3D text can be deformed by a curve editor in both XY and XZ directions. The user can
decide whether the letters align to the curve or not.
The orientation of the 3D text can be changed in horizontal and vertical alignment. The line spacing is
also dynamically adaptable.