A framework for a Classic Action RPG game (e.g. Diablo).Diablo-esque dungeon crawler system. (playable at the Demo link).[ Playable Demos | Full Documentation | Website | Discord | Github Repository ]ContainsAbilitiesCustomizable+ Basic Attacks & Special Abilities•Unique Behavior•Melee, Projectile, or Magic Based•Cooldowns•Delays•Range options•Multipliers•Resource costs•Ability speedAttributesCustomizable+ Character Attributes•Leveling•Resources•Stats•Combat Links (Stat modifies damage/armor etc.)• Resource Links (Stat modifies resource etc.)•Element Attack & Resist•Ability ModifiersAurasCustomizable+ Auras•Logic (dmg, regen, status effects, etc.)•Target Groups (friendly, enemy, neutral etc.)•Pulse options (repeat application, i.e. regen hp)•AOE options (affect others inside the same group)•Stacking (i.e. multiple auras active simultaneously)ClassesCustomizable+ Character Classes•Restricts Equipment Slots•Restricts Equipment Types (Weapons, Armors, Accessories)CombatCustomizable+ Melee & Projectile Weapons•Physical Multipliers•Status Effects•Elemental Multipliers•Friendly Fire•Wearables (change the look on the character)InventoriesCustomizable+ Inventories•Size•Starting Equipment•Starting Items•Starting CurrencyItemsCustomizable+ Items•Equipment (Weapons, Armors, Accessories) with random traits•Potions•Unique Quest ItemsLootCustomizable+ Loot Drops•Loot Tables•Drop PercentagesQuestchains, Quests & QuestLogsCustomizable+ Quest Chains•Quest Giver•Requirements•Rewards•Dialogue Text•Progression•Kill Objectives•Explore Objectives•Quest Item ObjectivesEquipment TraitsCustomizable+ Equipment Traits•Elemental Attack (Lightning, Cold, Fire, etc.)•Elemental Resist•Stat Modification (e.g. +2str)•Resource Modification (e.g. +10Health)•Ability Modification (e.g. +10% to Ability X)EnchantingCustomizable+Mix & Match Equipment Traits to make an enchantSocketsCustomizable+Create socket items that fit into sockets, also by using Equipment TraitsAll the above-mentioned systems can be even further extended with a little bit of coding on your part.[ Playable Demos | Full Documentation | Website | Discord]Also includes-----*Saving System-----*Clothing System-----*Floating Damage/Regen Text-----*Basic NavMesh movement and combat-----*Formulas for physical and elemental combat damage-----*JSON saving/loading NEW!-----*Dual Wielding NEW!-----*+MoreThe system utilizes Scriptable Objects and interfaces to allow you to incorporate these pieces into your own games or to start anew!The system is designed to be lightweight; I've done a lot of the grunt work for you, but you'll need to be comfortable with Unity in order to extend these foundations for your own particular game.Everything is customizable, and all the source code is provided. I encourage you to check out the Documentation and the Demo to understand the system.The included canvas UI elements use TextMeshPro and the included demo uses Unity's NavMesh.The included art comes from Open Game Art under creative commons licenses or by me. The character models pictured in the playable demo come from mixamo.com, but are not included in the package. The demo credits are listed at the demo website.The Demo assets use Unity's Navmesh components and TextMeshPro.