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• User Guide
What is it?
The Trajectory Aimer 2D is an easy to use tool for aiming and shooting projectiles. It draws out a path displaying the trajectory the projectile will fly before it is actually launched.
Is it for me?
If you want to easily add an aiming and shooting mechanic to your 2D game, Trajectory Aimer 2D will do the job!
How is it used in a game?
Drag to aim. Release to shoot.
⭐️ Highlights ⭐️
• Easy Set Up
Step 1: Add the Trajectory Aim and Projectile prefab into your scene.
Step 2: Done!
• Collision Detection
Enable collision detection with a click of a button. The Layer Collision Matrix is used by default to detect collisions so collision detection works right out of the box. You can easily change which layers are scanned for collision detection as well.
• Mobile-friendly
Trajectory Aimer 2D’s efficiency makes it suitable for any device.
• Click and Drag Controls
The click and drag controls include useful customizations right from within the inspector, such as:
• Minimum and maximum shot speed
• Click and drag sensitivity
• The size of the click area to start aiming
• Whether or not the Projectile should freeze in place while aiming
• Cancel Shot
Pick the minimum shot speed right from the inspector and the trajectory will automatically be hidden below that speed. A shot will also be cancelled if performed below the minimum shot speed.
• Supports Multiple Projectiles
Want to make a game similar to Angry Birds, a turn-based tank game, or any game which has more than one projectile? The Projectile prefab included works with the Trajectory Aim prefab automatically to draw the trajectory line for whichever Projectile is selected. The Basketball demo scene has multiple basketballs to showcase this ability.
• Quick and Easy Customization
Style it to suit your game! From changing the trajectory’s color gradient down to the specific size of each dot, any customization is only a couple of clicks away! The custom inspector allows you to see the result of any customizations you make immediately in Edit Mode.
• Clean and Clear Documentation
The easy to follow documentation includes GIFs for simplicity. Our goal was to make Trajectory Aimer 2D easy enough to use so that you could understand and use it without needing any documentation. If you find yourself needing more information however, the document outline will allow you to easily skip to any part of the documentation which is relevant to you. Check out the documentation here!
• Fully Documented Scripts
Feel free to add your own code! The scripts have comments written throughout and also include some examples to enhance your understanding.
• Intuitive inspector
If you’re the type that just wants to jump in and figure things out on your own, you can! The inspector is made to be as easy to understand as possible and updates the scene in Edit Mode so you can see what a variable does just by playing around with it.
• Beginner-friendly
Working with a new asset can be slightly overwhelming at the start, not to mention time consuming. Our goal is to minimize the time and learning it takes to get the ball rolling with our assets so that you can spend less time figuring out how everything works and spend more time bringing your ideas to life.
Note: Drag calculations are not supported yet.