Video TutorialsAny Car Controller is the easiest Unity plugin used to control any kind of vehicles with 4 wheels or more. Realistic Car Physics and Optimized Code will allow you not only to set up any car or truck ready to drive in less then 2 minutes with just a few clicks, but also to use the vehicle on any device consuming an extremely small amount of CPU.All of that makes Any Car Controller perfect for mobile applications but also for higher graphics kind of games as it provides all features and customizations that you might want to apply to your car model.SET UP- Easy and Quick set up- Fully customizable Extra Wheels- Body Creation and Debug- Multiple Cameras (Following & Fixed)- Analog & Digital Speedometer- Joystick & Arrows Mobile UIWHEELS- Advanced wheels attributes- Advanced Suspensions attributes- Advanced Drift Controls- Wheels DebugENGINE- Full Engine customization- FWD – RWD – AWD- Manual and Auto Trasmission- Flexible Gear System- Engine Power Curve- Aerodynamics Control- Turbo- NOS- MPH & KPH Speed Type- Weight ControlsCUSTOM CONTROLS- ABS- Exhaust Flame- Smoke- Skid MarksCOLLISION SYSTEM- Collision Deformation Controls- Collision Particles- Lose Piece After Number of CollisionsAUDIO MIXER- Multitrack Engine Audio- Collision Audio- Skid Marks Audio- Turbo Audio- NOS Audio- Exhaust AudioPLAYER CONTROLS- Customizable Keyboard Controls- Customizable Joystick ControlsGet Any Car AI for amazing Artificial Intelligence!This is not a template, but a flexible script that will work with any car model you might have!